Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This is Halloween

Hello Family & Friends:

I'm sorry that Halloween pictures got put up late but the beautiful Mary Jade took center stage and trumped Halloween.

As most of you know I am a wacky, crazy, Disney fan. And yes 100% of the time it is Cinderella, but I felt the need to be wicked this year.

So I chose Maleficent the evil queen from Sleeping beauty. It was actually the most thought I have put into a costume in a long time, and was a lot of fun.

I have also posted pictures of Ruby, Noah, Holly & Lily's Halloween costumes. I am truly blessed to have such gorgeous children as my nieces and nephew.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween and that you got your favorite candy.

Big Hugs


Maleficent descends on La Crescenta

She then took her evil ways to State Farm
and took over the Office Managers desk.

The crafty Morgan Marshall then tried to
attack the evil queen, but she got away.

She then posed with the Office
Managers co-workers Cleopatra and
cave girl (AKA Fred Flintstones mistress -
Ask Marilee for explanation)

Ruby the cheerleader

Noah the cowboy

Holly the penguin

Lily the Pooh Bear sunflower

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