Sunday, May 11, 2008

Silly Fun on Mother's Day

Hello all:

I hope everyone had a lovely Mother's day with whomever you spent it with. I got to spend mine with Melissa and the girls. We spent the day in Downtown Disney. We ate lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, tried to squeeze too many people into a photo machine (picture will show), ate ice cream at Hagen Daz and watched Amanda & Ashley put on makeup at Sephora.

It was a very fun day filled with laughs and family. The only thing that could have made it even better is if Sara was there also.

Hug Hug Kiss Kiss to all.


This is what happens when you don't all fit in the machine. :)

Before Lunch was FINALLY served. Rainforest Cafe

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Birch is going, going, gone.....

Hello Family:

I have sad news to share. The beautiful Birch tree that was the best thing about Uncle & Auntie's front yard (next to the rock) has died.

Uncle was outside and noticed that everything else was in Spring renewal but the beloved Birch was dry & crispy. He called his tree guys and they dug a hole around it and watered it to see if it could be saved but unfortunately it was too far gone.

This very special tree was planted soon after Uncle & Auntie had moved in and has grown strong and beautiful for 50 years.

It has a famous branch that all the kids and grandkids have hung upside down from.
A year ago while Uncle Tom & Aunt Sue were taking care of Uncle after his open heart surgery, Tom hit his head on this famous branch while taking Spike out. He told Sara & I that he was going to cut off this branch. Sara & I immediately told him he would be in a lot of trouble if he did this. Sara then got everyone in the family to sign a petition to save the tree. The petition was signed unanimously (except for Taylor Koslosky) he signed it but said to cut the tree down.

I have attached pictures of the tree coming down and a few pictures I had featuring the tree. We will miss this Birch greatly, but a new one has been planted in it's place and is quite pretty.

If you have pictures or remembrances of the Birch, please share.

Love Marilee

Amanda Hanging on

Greg, Jimmy & The Birch

Upside Down Ashley
Last View of the Birch

Hauling the Birch away

Me & the last piece of the Birch

The new Birch

Sunday, May 4, 2008

You know your a redneck if....

Hello all:

I had to share the latest with my family. We were surprised at the end of April because Sara & Andrew decided to leave the frozen Tundra of Ephraim and visit us for a week.

It was a really fun visit. We went to the movies and out to eat and had lots of laughs. Even though I had to work I was able to visit with them in the evenings and on the weekend.

One night as I was leaving the office my father called and asked me where the camera was. I said the camera was with me in my purse. He asked that I hurry home so I could see what the kids had done and he would say no more than that.

As I pulled into the driveway I noticed that my Dad's pickup was parked all the way in the driveway against the garage instead of it's usual place in the street. I also noticed that there was a blue tarp shut in the doors, over the roof and in the bed. Before I got out of my car I knew what I was going to find and was glad I had my camera handy.

Those crazy newlyweds had turned my Dad's pickup into the poor man's swimming pool. Because it was such a warm day and the plumbing pipes are under our brick patio, it felt like spa water.

So I end with this. You know your a redneck if, you turn your pickup into a swimming pool. I wanted to share pictures with you.

Hugs to all.
