Thursday, October 9, 2008

This is Halloween.

Happy Fall:

For those of you that don't know from October to December is the favorite time of year for the Potter's. And the best holiday of them all is "HALLOWEEN".

Sara & I have been accused in the past of having Halloween throw up in our offices and home.

I have been known to go to Dept 56 in Downtown Disney and salivate and dream of having the Halloween village. If only I was a millionaire.

Since Sara got married we had to share custody of the Halloween decorations. It was very sad but I guess I have an excuse now to buy more decorations.

To start my off my favorite time of year I went up to Pismo Beach last weekend to visit Tom, Sue, Melissa and the girls. We decided we needed a fun start to Halloween.

The 1st thing we did was, go to the Fair Oaks to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua. For those of you that think it looks like a silly movie ( I was skeptical) you need to go see it. It was really funny and the George Lopez lines were even funnier.

Posing with the poster

Our next adventure was to go to the pumpkin patch at Avila Barn. Friday into Saturday we had rain and then wind so it was an absolutely beautiful day. We got to the Barn ( with everyone else) and waited for our turn to park. Our 1st stop was the petting zoo.

We met this cute cow. He was very friendly and gave one of the guys in line a big old kiss. He told Melissa it was like being licked by sandpaper.

Next were the ponies. But be careful they can bite.

We then all posed at the designated picture taking area. Ashley was very proud of her little pumpkin that she purchased so it is in many pictures. We were also very lucky because we brought Aunt Sue on our pumpkin patch adventure.

Family togetherness ^^^^^^^

Even more family togetherness ^^^^^^^^^^^

And more ^^^^^^^^^^^

And more. Yes we are now done with the designated picture area. But then I wanted you to see how many pumpkins there were.

There I am way behind the pumpkins.

There are Amanda and Ashley (must the baby pumpkin be in every picture :)

We then went on a hay ride. Okay flat beds hooked to a John Deere, but there was hay everywhere. We had great seats because we were on the very end of the flat bed so we avoided the dust that was kicked up.

Here is a view of the farm.

Melissa and I pose in our awesome Wal-Mart Halloween shirts. The shirts are really cool because the lights flash when you move. Sorry I can't demonstrate that.

How sad here are the pumpkins that no one wanted.

So while we were at the Avila Barn, Uncle Tom was haggling for the best deal on a new project.

He got himself this super cool picnic table and benches. (mind you it needs a little work, but I promise it will be a show piece when he is done with it.)

Uncle Tom, Ashley and the little pumpkin (again) pose with the table.

In the evening of the next day we had eaten a lot so we decided we needed to walk it off. We took a long walk to the Gazebo and then had to pose for more pictures.

Look at the beauty and the ocean to.

Here is Pelican rock where they all tuck in for the night. It was really SMELLY. But they were really fun to watch because they treated each other like brothers and sisters, pushing and shoving and squawking.

In tribute to Auntie. "What a wonderes bird is the Pelican
His beak can hold more than his belly can
He can hold in his beak enough food for a week
But I don't see how the Heli can. "

Ashley takes a break on a bench.

Amanda strikes a pose. But stop looking because she IS ONLY 13. :)

I took a picture of this decoration in Uncle Tom & Aunt Sue's house because it reminded me of Gran. Whenever we showed her our Halloween costumes she would always say. "S - P - O - O - K -Y" (Ask Sara & I if you want to know what it sounded like.)

So all in all it was a great weekend. I plan to spend many more there now that three of my favorite people live there. I hope everyone enjoys this time of year and really enjoys Halloween. Because there is no better Holiday.

Love you all, Marilee